Thursday, April 29, 2010


Yet another semester of college has gone by and woodworking continues to be the only thing that I enjoy about school. I love to go and, although I have not done quite as much this semester, I did finish the bookcase I have been working on for sometime. I am rather pleased with the final product. I have a serious problem when it comes to normal bookshelves. You see, I have a few large books that are around 16 inches tall and then I also have books that are extremely short. There are very few bookshelves that are high enough to fit my big books and if they are big enough, they are just much too high for the little books. I kept this in mind when I was looking at bookcase ideas. I finally found the perfect idea at Ikea of course. There was a great deal of guessing and deviating, or as I like to say "tweaking", but it turned out similar and, in my opinion, even better than what I saw at Ikea.  Now all my lovely books can have their allotted place. My only problem now is that my expansive Harry Potter collection requires an entire bookcase of its own, but I will have to tackle that little debacle later. For now, I have a sweet new bookcase that is living in its new home and what will be my new home in 2 weeks. In exactly 2 weeks I graduate from EAC and move up to Mesa to live with Shannon and Zach for the summer before I leave for Zhongshan in August.

In the shop
The only down side of a bookcase like this is that it takes an eternity to stain. Check out all the surface area on that thing. You dont notice until you have to cover all of it 6 times.

Finished Product!!!

My dad just bought a new X-Terra last week and really wanted to test its hauling abilities. So despite the fact that there were three of us traveling in the vehicle for three hours, he was determined to haul my bookcase with us. Was it necessary? No, but Square Knot it was a test of his hauling abilities so failure was not an option. In case you cant notice, there is very little room on that seat. I barely fit!


Anonymous said...

it's so beauuutiful tessa! :) Oh so question. Charles told me that plywood is the new "it" wood to use for alot of furniture and it's actually very popular. Do you know if this is true? Because I dunno if i like plywood that much.

Allisun said...

Tessa this is perfect! You have so many unique, wonderful books, and now you have a unique, wonderful bookshelf for them!


Wow Tess! You are just one talented cookie! Awesome bookshelf. I love it! Speaking of cookies... I'm at work and could you whip some up and bring them to me? I wish we were that close.

I can't believe you are already moving out! That is too funny about your dad and all of ya'll hauling that thing. Can't wait to continue to hear about your adventures. You need to get your mom to start a blog so she can talk about her empty nest syndrome...

gouda said...

$$$ I say patent! I know this Columbian guy and for $5K you give him a name and he'll........ wait wrong guy. Any way I expect mine by fall!

I have like 27 (it sure felt like that today) small children. Have you ever looked at the geometric composition children books?! Certainly not a standardized size/composition to them. TESSA you have solved one of the great(my great) peves! Now if you could just do something about fortifying aglets.......