It has been a while since my last post but the point is that I am finally posting now right? I just want to let all of you know that I graduate in 1 month and 19 days! I am obviously not excited though right? I am not even counting! I am not sarcastic either!
Please direct your attention to the right hand side of my blog and you will see that I have added a quote section. I do not know how often I will change it but every so often I will fill that little box with words of wisdom... or sometimes merely just words that make you laugh. So be sure to tune in to that new little feature.
Happy Week Everyone!!!! I first will begin with a story. My friend Allison (pictured below) decided to play a little April Fools Day joke on me and i do have to
admit that she got me good. I woke up
Tuesday morning and had about 10 text messages on my phone from Allison saying things like this... "Tessa I have something very important to tell you" "My parents had a long talk with us last night and we are moving." "We are leaving next week and I
don't know what to do" "Tessa I need your help" "Please help me know what to do" Now because It was 6:30 in the morning and because I never know what date it is I was completely fooled. I screamed and I ran out to my mother explaining the situation and my mother freaked out as well offering to have her live with us. I frantically
texted her explaining that wherever she was i was coming to talk to her when she finally explained that it was all a joke. I
wasn't even that mad I was just happy to know that she was not moving to Montana and she will be here for a long while. We love Allison... we just
don't love how her cleverness turns me into a fool from time to time.
Allison and I at Waldo's BBQ in Mesa when we went to the Tokyo Police Club Concert!

I am happy to announce that the San Fransisco
Puzzle is finally finished! It took us 2 months but it is done and the table is put away for now until I get the gumption to start another one. Seeing as how I only
lasted about fifteen
minutes with this one that will probably we a while. The really frustrating thing is that we got it all put together and we are missing one piece!

The other day in a college class I am taking (English 102) we were assigned to do an analysis on a movie and we were given five choices. I was delighted to see that Lord of the Rings: Return of the King was one of the choices and quite honestly did not even look at the rest. My professor then went on to talk about how he is not a Lord of the Rings freak... like those people that watch all the appendixes and read the
Silmarillion (Middle Earth History) and own all the Lord of the Rings
paraphernalia. I did my best not to comment or give myself away but the truth is that I have done all of the things he mentioned "lord of the rings freaks" do. I have watched all the behind the scenes on the movies (all 12 hours) I have read the
Silmarillion twice and I do
in fact own
Galadriels ring named
Nenya that I wear everyday. So I guess I could be classified as a Lord of the Rings freak but I have never really thought of myself as one before but as I sat in that class I realized that I am obsessed. The beautiful thing though is that I am not the only one my family is all the same way. We are all obsessed
in fact I am pretty sure that I am the most mild one in my family, except for my mom she refuses to watch or read them out of rebellion, we love her anyway! So there is your explanation of my addiction. All of that was to tell you that I had an old copy of the Two Towers lying around and I decided to make some art out of it. So the pages of The Two Towers will be the background of my newest tree creation. Here is what I am working on... I will be sure to post when I finish.

I now have my hands on the second season of lost!!!!!!!! I have to control myself with this season though. No more getting so into it I ditch my classes or show up late to work (all hypothetical of course i
didn't do any of those things... I never do!)