I had a good time and didn't fall once! I have never skated or done anything remotely similar so I thought that I did rather good for my first time. I am looking forward to going again and getting better! I liked this picture of me because I am actually on the board, maybe not too going to fast but on the board.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Long Boarding
Let me first just say that I am not coordinated at all. I may be able to put ingredients into a bowl and put paint onto a canvas but when it comes to outdoor or indoor physical activity I have no skills. This may be the reason that Dad told me to wear a helmet when my friends came over and told me that they were going to teach me how to long board. I laughed it off as a joke but quickly figured out that he wasn't at all kidding. I really should wear a helmet if I do more than walk outside to get into my car. I am always up for something new though and it is something that Kami and Stefani love to do so I thought I would give it a try.
This picture is of Kami's car Claudio and her six "babies" as she calls them.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
This is Eleni and her name means bright, shining one. She loves trees and loves to think about and create anything her mind can come up with. She does not fear failure or care what others think. She does what she loves to do, create.
Ahhhh, I really like this painting. I like how it turned out despite the struggle I had with the poor bottom of it and the multiple layers of white paint I used to cover the unsuccessful trials. I think I like it so much because like with all things you create there is so much of yourself in them. I am not like Eleni yet, but someday I hope to be. I hope you enjoy her!
Happy Trails...
Ahhhh, I really like this painting. I like how it turned out despite the struggle I had with the poor bottom of it and the multiple layers of white paint I used to cover the unsuccessful trials. I think I like it so much because like with all things you create there is so much of yourself in them. I am not like Eleni yet, but someday I hope to be. I hope you enjoy her!
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Adventures In Cake Making...
As of late I have been experimenting with multi-level, awesome, and delicious cakes! There have been other experiments but this is my latest. This a red velvet cake with cream cheese icing with chocolate icing around it. I would say that as far as taste goes it was good but not fantastic. I love both frosting's and to put them together is a bit of a travesty in my opinion. I think in the future I will just stick the cream cheese frosting. However, I do not think it was too bad since my cousin Dylan had about 8 pieces and both levels of the cake are gone now. Now I am on the search for a fantastic cake recipe that goes very well with chocolate icing but isn't chocolate. So far all the cake recipes I have found have white icing. If any of you know of a recipe please let me know! Actually, if anyone has any good cake recipe at all let me know. I can use all the helpful hints I can get!
I still have a LONG way to go in the land of cake making and decorating but I am having a lot of fun learning as I go...

I still have a LONG way to go in the land of cake making and decorating but I am having a lot of fun learning as I go...

Monday, January 26, 2009
Musical Changes...
On March 2nd U2 is coming out with a new album...

Also in March on the 10th Bishop Allen is coming out with a new album...

I am much more excited about the Bishop Allen Album...
...and I had to share.
Four years ago U2 came out with a new album. I had pre-ordered it months in advance, knew every fact there was to know about it, listened to every song on the album about 100 times, and then got to go see them on tour. This time I heard the single from the album at work and recognized it was Bono and then a couple weeks later stumbled my way to the website and saw a new album is coming. I will probably buy the album eventually or at least procure it one way or another but I have to admit I am not awaiting its arrival in the vast musical ocean like I would have been four years ago. This time I am counting the days until the new Bishop Allen album comes out! I point this out because it is one of those subtle but ever important changes that I occasionally see in myself. It is not good or bad... just different. I like to point out to myself that change like this is healthy because I don't always see it as a positive thing, but it is. I am a totally different person than I was four years ago so why would I expect my musical self to have the same tastes?
Here's to life and its little changes... Bring on March Bishop Allen!
-Happy Trails

Also in March on the 10th Bishop Allen is coming out with a new album...

I am much more excited about the Bishop Allen Album...
...and I had to share.
Four years ago U2 came out with a new album. I had pre-ordered it months in advance, knew every fact there was to know about it, listened to every song on the album about 100 times, and then got to go see them on tour. This time I heard the single from the album at work and recognized it was Bono and then a couple weeks later stumbled my way to the website and saw a new album is coming. I will probably buy the album eventually or at least procure it one way or another but I have to admit I am not awaiting its arrival in the vast musical ocean like I would have been four years ago. This time I am counting the days until the new Bishop Allen album comes out! I point this out because it is one of those subtle but ever important changes that I occasionally see in myself. It is not good or bad... just different. I like to point out to myself that change like this is healthy because I don't always see it as a positive thing, but it is. I am a totally different person than I was four years ago so why would I expect my musical self to have the same tastes?
Here's to life and its little changes... Bring on March Bishop Allen!
-Happy Trails
Saturday, January 24, 2009
6 Months of Rafael
This morning as I was feeding Rafael I realized that he and I have been living together for 6 months now. We live in different elements and cannot speak but I have enjoyed having him around. He is my first pet since the Willabee gerbil disaster of 97'. He is a very active fish and resilient he has lost his tail and grew it back 5 or 6 times now. So I wanted to post today to say 1) I am glad to have Rafael and 2) to remind those of you that thought I couldn't keep my fish alive for more than a day that he has been alive for 6 months...

Happy Trails...
Friday, January 23, 2009
Doubt, Lost, Poets, and Rain...
Here are some things I have been meaning to post about and I am finally getting around to it...
Doubt Movie Review
I had a strong hunch from the moment I saw the movie trailer and the six minute clip online that I was going to love this movie. I had such a strong hunch I drove three hours away so I could see it. It seems as if I know myself well because I did love it. I loved the uneasy feeling of 'doubt' that film induced in me. I enjoyed feeling that I was part of the story because of the feeling the crept up in me when watching it. The acting is masterful and with a cast list like it has there is no surprises there. You as the viewer are torn between Philip Seymour Hoffmans and Meryl Streeps character and their excellent acting does not make it easy for you. You as the viewer are trying to determine the truth just like the other characters in the story are. I think the script is great. I loved the symbolism in it representing changes in the church verses the traditional strict rules of the past. I loved the universal theme of the perils of judging others. Really, I just loved a movie that was actually acted rather than diluted with millions of dollars worth of special effects, a predictable and unoriginal plot, and mediocre acting. If you have a chance go see this movie go see it! All four of the actor and actresses in it are up for Academy Awards and that is rather remarkable because there are really only four in it. Shannon, Zach, and I went to see it and it was rather hilarious because Shannon and I had a totally different opinion about the events in the movie than Zach did. Maybe it is a Smith/ Brown thing or a male/ female thing or maybe even a smart/ not very smart (you can figure out who is who) thing. If anyone sees it you will have to tell me your thoughts so I can figure this out. There is your movie review for the day...
Here is a clip...
Premier Week
This week was the highly anticipated premier week for me. New episodes of all my shows were on... 24, House, Lost, The Office, and Bones (wow... I have a problem don't I! I do other things I promise.) I was really excited for the Lost premier because it has been a long time and since the season finale last year I have been itching for more. We all know that Lost is suppose to make you completely 'lost' but until now I have determinedly decided that I would not let this TV show get the better of me and I would understand what is going on. This determination I had willfully intact slowly melted away as the two hour premier went on. I officially report that Lost has gone to the next level of confusion, time travel. I am not talking about the flashbacks and flash forwards, I can handle that, it is the time travel amongst all of that. I have a vague idea of what is going on but not a strong mental hold on it and this is frustrating to me. Will I still watch it? Yes, but I just wont expect to know what is going on then I cannot be frustrated when I don't know. With all that being said I did enjoy the premier (go hurley)! Maybe someday I will fully understand Lost but I am rather sure that day will be the same day the world ends (or the Earth is destroyed by a Vogon Constructor Fleet).
I had some friends over for the premier and this is a good illustration of our excitement slowly melting away. At first Stefani was excitedly spouting off Lost theories and soon all she could say is that she needed four ibuprofen and a nap. Hmmmm... If you cant get through all of Stefani's lost theories it is okay. The only thing that makes me more confused than Lost is Stefani's theories about it.
This is Kami after Lost...
I have also been doing other things with my life this week. I want to be clear that I watch alot of TV but I also have other interests and responsibilities (perhaps not many). This week I started work again as an English Tutor at the college. I really enjoy helping others with their writing. I am not the greatest writer (as is evident on my blog) so I enjoy improving my writing by helping others to improve theirs. There is also the lovely fact that I rarely tutor so I get paid to surf the internet and do my homework.
I finally got a library card and student ID this week. I went a whole semester without one. I am an internet snob determined that all the research I need is on the internet but let me tell you our library has a vast collection of Romantic Poets and I am finding it very useful. 
This is me reading more Romantic Poetry...
What is strange about this picture? NO blue sky and sun! For the last couple days it has been dark, gloomy, and rainy! This is not normal weather for us and I LOVE IT! The trees are all beautiful and the sky is grey and everything smells like rain! I had to take a picture because this weather never happens and particularly two days in a row!

For MLK Day I went to Tucson with Stefani and Kami. It was a fun little road trip and I listen to Pride (In the Name of Love) about 10 times on the drive up. I suppose there are many better ways to honor Martin Luther King Jr. but I cant think of any.
There is an update for my week. I have done some cake baking lately that I will post about later but until then................... HAPPY TRAILS!
Doubt Movie Review
I had a strong hunch from the moment I saw the movie trailer and the six minute clip online that I was going to love this movie. I had such a strong hunch I drove three hours away so I could see it. It seems as if I know myself well because I did love it. I loved the uneasy feeling of 'doubt' that film induced in me. I enjoyed feeling that I was part of the story because of the feeling the crept up in me when watching it. The acting is masterful and with a cast list like it has there is no surprises there. You as the viewer are torn between Philip Seymour Hoffmans and Meryl Streeps character and their excellent acting does not make it easy for you. You as the viewer are trying to determine the truth just like the other characters in the story are. I think the script is great. I loved the symbolism in it representing changes in the church verses the traditional strict rules of the past. I loved the universal theme of the perils of judging others. Really, I just loved a movie that was actually acted rather than diluted with millions of dollars worth of special effects, a predictable and unoriginal plot, and mediocre acting. If you have a chance go see this movie go see it! All four of the actor and actresses in it are up for Academy Awards and that is rather remarkable because there are really only four in it. Shannon, Zach, and I went to see it and it was rather hilarious because Shannon and I had a totally different opinion about the events in the movie than Zach did. Maybe it is a Smith/ Brown thing or a male/ female thing or maybe even a smart/ not very smart (you can figure out who is who) thing. If anyone sees it you will have to tell me your thoughts so I can figure this out. There is your movie review for the day...
Here is a clip...
Premier Week
This week was the highly anticipated premier week for me. New episodes of all my shows were on... 24, House, Lost, The Office, and Bones (wow... I have a problem don't I! I do other things I promise.) I was really excited for the Lost premier because it has been a long time and since the season finale last year I have been itching for more. We all know that Lost is suppose to make you completely 'lost' but until now I have determinedly decided that I would not let this TV show get the better of me and I would understand what is going on. This determination I had willfully intact slowly melted away as the two hour premier went on. I officially report that Lost has gone to the next level of confusion, time travel. I am not talking about the flashbacks and flash forwards, I can handle that, it is the time travel amongst all of that. I have a vague idea of what is going on but not a strong mental hold on it and this is frustrating to me. Will I still watch it? Yes, but I just wont expect to know what is going on then I cannot be frustrated when I don't know. With all that being said I did enjoy the premier (go hurley)! Maybe someday I will fully understand Lost but I am rather sure that day will be the same day the world ends (or the Earth is destroyed by a Vogon Constructor Fleet).
I had some friends over for the premier and this is a good illustration of our excitement slowly melting away. At first Stefani was excitedly spouting off Lost theories and soon all she could say is that she needed four ibuprofen and a nap. Hmmmm... If you cant get through all of Stefani's lost theories it is okay. The only thing that makes me more confused than Lost is Stefani's theories about it.
This is Kami after Lost...
I have also been doing other things with my life this week. I want to be clear that I watch alot of TV but I also have other interests and responsibilities (perhaps not many). This week I started work again as an English Tutor at the college. I really enjoy helping others with their writing. I am not the greatest writer (as is evident on my blog) so I enjoy improving my writing by helping others to improve theirs. There is also the lovely fact that I rarely tutor so I get paid to surf the internet and do my homework.
I have also had a tun of reading on the poets of the Romatic Period in England this week. I have read so many poems I think my head may explode. I really love all my classes though and I enjoy every second I spend reading these poets works. This is my second semester of British Literature and I am so glad that I am done with the old epic poetry. I did enjoy Beowulf and the Canterbury Tales but I enjoy the later works so much more.
This is me reading more Romantic Poetry...
There is an update for my week. I have done some cake baking lately that I will post about later but until then................... HAPPY TRAILS!
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Lately I have had an inspiration-less creative block which for me means that I don't do much of anything because so much of my life is spent creating and thinking about creating. I am happy to say that I believe I have started overcoming it and am on the road to total and complete creative recovery. I am learning that the trick is not to think so much about it but just do it, get your hands moving. I finally have some thing to show...
This is my recent painting called Firenze! I like her and I am rather sure that if she really lived we would be friends. I want to be in a book club with her and discuss all the Steinbeck novels I am going to read this year. I hope you like her...
Heres to tomorrow... and heres to creative juices and to the flowing of them... Happy Trails...
This is my recent painting called Firenze! I like her and I am rather sure that if she really lived we would be friends. I want to be in a book club with her and discuss all the Steinbeck novels I am going to read this year. I hope you like her...
Thursday, January 1, 2009
2009 Goals...
I have only been existing a short time on this humble little planet but I think out of all the years I have lived 2008 has been the best! I thought back yesterday of all the things I have done, heard, seen, and experienced and it is really incredible! I wouldn't make any changes even if I could. I have been in 7 states, 6 countries, graduated from high school, finished my first semester of college and so much more! I am a little sad to see it go but I am very excited for this next year! I have big plans and if I can do half of them it will be a fantastic year! Here are some of my goals and I will keep you posted how they are going...
- Get all A's and pass algebra
-Read all British Lit assignments
-Read all John Steinbeck novels (again...)
- Type and edit my short stories
-Get my Etsy up and running
-Start and finish my big canvas
- Donate my hair to locks of love
- Create a recipe book for when I leave home
- Go to the temple every 3 months
- Start "The World Is Mine" Fund
- Baked goods only...
- Buy Handmade (give only handmade gifts either by myself or others)
-Do my laundry every two weeks (even if I still have clothes left)
-Change my email, clean out my hotmail
Happy New Year Everyone! Happy Trails...
- Get all A's and pass algebra
-Read all British Lit assignments
-Read all John Steinbeck novels (again...)
- Type and edit my short stories
-Get my Etsy up and running
-Start and finish my big canvas
- Donate my hair to locks of love
- Create a recipe book for when I leave home
- Go to the temple every 3 months
- Start "The World Is Mine" Fund
- Baked goods only...
- Buy Handmade (give only handmade gifts either by myself or others)
-Do my laundry every two weeks (even if I still have clothes left)
-Change my email, clean out my hotmail
Happy New Year Everyone! Happy Trails...
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