Saturday, January 24, 2009

6 Months of Rafael

This morning as I was feeding Rafael I realized that he and I have been living together for 6 months now. We live in different elements and cannot speak but I have enjoyed having him around. He is my first pet since the Willabee gerbil disaster of 97'. He is a very active fish and resilient he has lost his tail and grew it back 5 or 6 times now. So I wanted to post today to say 1) I am glad to have Rafael and 2) to remind those of you that thought I couldn't keep my fish alive for more than a day that he has been alive for 6 months...

Happy Trails...


Preston Smith said...

Rafael looks totally dead in that first picture

Aaron Smith said...

He needs a soundtrack for that video. Preston? BTW - given the power to apparate goodies, I would snatch your cakes, cookies and tempting treats rather than create my own ;)

Anonymous said...

that video was amazing! and yes i may just paint your fish. he is very photogenic