This week has been a very stressful week, I went to my first official week of college. I am trying to balance alot of my plate and I decided that with everything going on I needed a little perspective. I have so many things in my life that I am so grateful for. There are the major things that are life changing but there are also little things in life that manage to just alter your mood a little that ultimately seem to make a difference in our lives.
9 Things That Make Me Happy!
Natasha Wescoat's Art
Their aren't very many things in this world that invoke the same emotions in me every time I see them, even if I have seen them a million times but these incredible, whimsical paintings by
Natasha Wescoat sure do. If you have followed my paintings, I receive alot of inspiration from her. Her paintings are one of the main reasons I began to paint. I often will just browse her site looking at the paintings over and over again, falling in love with them again and again. These paintings have the uncanny to always put a smile on my face!
PaintingI love to paint! I love to have a blank canvas in front of me and cover it with my feelings and emotions in the form of paint. I find it freeing and a good way to express myself without having musical skills or other talents that I do not possess. The great thing about painting is that I am not very good but it doesn't matter... YAY for painting! It always makes me happy!
Eating Good Food... In Foreign PlacesI love to eat food and that often makes me happy! Macaroni and Cheese is the best! I could eat it every meal of every day if I was allowed but my parents like to force feed me culture (thank heavens) The only thing better than pasta covered in cheese is eating it in ITALY! I love to travel and eating but eating in foreign countries and tasting the culinary masterpieces that lurk there is beauty. I am happy just thinking about it... experiencing it is pure Ecstasy!
MY FAMILYI love my family with every fiber of my being and they always have the knack for making me

happy. They are always there for me to make me laugh or to support me with whatever I need. My dad with his salsa dances are often the highlight of my day, jamming in the car with
going shopping with
Shannon Long talks with
Stacy and of course hanging out with mom. These are all some of my favorite things in the world and they always make me very very happy!
Christian Bale MoviesI felt that it was necessary to mention Christian Bale. Truly whenever I am in a bad mood or have had a hard day I can put on Batman Begins, Newsies, Little Women, or 3:10 to Yuma and I feel better. I love these movies, partly because they are all amazing movies but I am sure that alot of it has to do with the fact that Christian Bale is in them. He is beautiful, talented, skilled, and lets just say the whole package. Thank you Christian Bale for sending my mood in the right direction so many times!
Cranberry Raspberry JuiceI told my cousin the other day that I am quite sure that my blood is really made out of this wonderful juice. All I can say is that it is a good thing it isn't because I would probably drink it. Cran-Raspberry Juice combines two of the most amazing things in the world... Cranberry's and Raspberry's and then they make it drinkable in juice form. I love this juice and there are not many things that can bring a smile to my face faster than a cold glass of this wonderful stuff.
Dead Trees
I love trees and particularly dead ones! I think the history and stories they tell fascinate me. They are beautiful in their leaf-less-ness! I love to paint them, photograph them, and stare at them. They are nearly an obsession and yes they do make me happy!
GOOD MUSIC!!!!!!I love music! I love good solid music they tugs at your soul and causes your life to change every time you listen to it. I love how I feel when I find the perfect song that fits my life perfectly at the time. I love seeing great shows where the artist rocks out or just calmly sings to you. Just for a very small example Bishop Allen always manages to do this for me. I am always happy when I listen to them. I love music!
FriendsThe great things about friends is that you choose to be around them. I have wonderful friends that I can be myself around and do crazy things with. I am so blessed to have the type of friends I do! Happiness in the form of friends!
There are of course many more things that make the corners of my mouth turn into a smile. These are just a few. I already feel better... bring on next week!
Happy Trails!