Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Good Morning! Well I feel this morning that since this blog is more or less my journal it is important that I record some of the events over the last couple days. I am so sick of politics that this is not going to be political (don't worry) but instead I am going to record some of the odd, interesting, or hilarious aspects of the election in the smith home and in the other aspects of my life!

-I got to vote for the first time yesterday! It was very exciting and I felt empowered to be involved in the process. I was very very tempted to vote for Paul Newman for representative (I think it was be honest I do not know what he ran for) because I like the actor and think that he would do great in politics but then I remembered that Paul Newman the actor was not running... I catch on to things eventually!

-I voted at the local Masonic Temple! This may seem uninteresting and it is unless you didn't know that there was a Masonic Temple in your town at all let alone only a couple blocks from your house! How did 18 years of my life pass by with this knowledge not being presented to me! I found the fact that we had one vastly interesting! Thank heavens not another day went by without my knowledge of this, will it change my life? Not in the slightest but it is good to know!

-Last time my dad was not pleased with the results of an election he ripped down walls in the house and started abrupt remodeling. This time we were all a little concerned about my dads reaction to the election results but he took it rather well. I suppose it depends on what you consider good. Some may think that the vast amount of greasy sonic food, and dairy queen he ate is not taking anything well but I think in this case it could have been alot worse. He only watched about an hour worth of coverage then we watched Star Trek, The Wrath of Khan! I am very happy he took the news like he did... he amazes me everyday!

-The very last thing I wanted to do yesterday was to watch and listen to election banter so the HOUSE ELECTION DAY MARATHON was exactly what I needed. Sixteen straight hours of House while this whole election debacle was going on! I got to watch House and paint which was AWESOME! Just to clarify, no, I did not watch all 16 hours but I would have liked to!-My favorite thing I saw yesterday was the google image! Isn't it adorable? I thought it was great! Just had to share...

-When I went to school this morning EVERY single car on campus had NOBAMA written on it with window markers. I am not agreeing with the message but I do have to say that I am amazed at the sheer amount of cars that were tagged. Every single car I could see was tagged! I found it rather hilarious. I am just glad that I was not on campus last night!

-This does not have anything to do with the election but this morning in biology my professor started talking about VEINS and then broke into "YOUR SO VAIN" and then began to poll the class on who they thought she wrote the song about (I was the only person who had heard the song before). Basically he gave a whole rendition of the song and a fifteen minute lecture regarding it! AWESOME! You cannot get a better start to your day than that!

-Finally... I am so grateful that I live in a place where I can vote and play a role in my government! The results may not always be like I want them but I still live in a nation where I am free to feel that way and express it! Now we just need to fight to keep it that way!

Happy Trails...


Sarah B. said...

And unfortunately, Paul Newman is also dead...otherwise I would have voted for him too. :-)

Sarah B. said...

P.S. I LOVE YOUR POSTS. And I am completely jealous that Baby Blake gets your gorgeous paintings in her room. Actually, Baby Bade should be jealous. HA! And give your Dad a big hug and tell him that I am EXTREMELY proud of him as well...bravo. :-)Congrats on your first vote in an election! Very exciting!