Tuesday I needed to make some treats for my British Literature Presentation so that everyone would pay attention to the cupcakes they are eating and not the actual presentation. I feel like Maggie Gyllenhall's character on Stranger Than Fiction when she was in law school but ended up worrying more about the treats for the study groups than actually studying. I was much more concerned with what to take in as treats for the presentation than the actual presentation. I think the candy bar cupcakes I came up with will be delicious enough. Sugar always helps a boring presentation go down a little easier. I am not very good about picking authors to present on. Last semester in British Lit I picked The Faerie Queen to present on because I thought "I like Fairies" and I will like this. Let me just say that it was not like I thought it was going to be. It was a long epic story that did not make hardly any sense to me and Edmund Spenser was spineless. Then this semester I was determined to choose something a little more manageable. So I picked the author with only 5 pages of reading but along with the compact nature of the reading came the compact nature of his personality. Lets just say that I know Gerard Manley Hopkins revolutionized poetry but the explanations of how are so confusing that I really have no idea. So... the cupcakes, I choose to focus on the cupcakes. I love my British literature class though and am gaining insight into modern British fantasy from it which is fantastic. I am beginning to feel that my obsession of fantasy is actually a substantial academic pursuit which is wonderful even if it is just a perception. Whoa... now that I am done with that rant... how about some pictures? I will get the recipe up as soon as I can.
mmmmmmmm... Happy Trails...
The cupcakes YOU came up with. Like you invented them? HA! You aren't the only baker in the family you know, you little glory thief you! We really need to thank Pillsbury, but I at least discovered them in a 6 year old random monthly magazine. I don't have a cookbook obsession at all. It was just chance, I swear. I don't pour over month by month by year by year at all!
You MUST post the recipe! I am dying to have one of those.....!
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