This weekend was a typical Smith Family weekend. There were lots of games, plenty of movie watching, tuns of food, and of course the typical near death experiences. Preston and Mindi came down this weekend to chill and go on a little adventure.

We were trying to decide whether to go on the Gila River that we always love or go to Fry Mesa which most of us had never been. I went a few weeks ago and it was a lot of fun so I told everyone that we should go to Fry Mesa I did not factor in the fact that it has been raining a tun lately. We got up there eventually after passing the treacherous road that almost bucked us off multiple times.

We quickly discovered that the path that I had used previously to get to the waterfalls was impassible and that the water in the falls was at least twice and high as it had been when I had been there before. So off we go battling the rocks and the terrain trying to find an alternate route to the waterfalls.

After much backtracking and scratches and bruises we finally get there and may I say that it definitely very beautiful up there but there was too much water to go down the falls (at least for me the boys did do a couple runs of some of them but there reactions were not very convincing for me) we then had to battle our way back down. I had lost my shoes so had to hike barefoot and Jordon (One Shoe) had lost one of his shoes. We were all very beat up when we finally reached the car but Dad (Square Knot) got to use his mountain climbing and 4 wheel drive skills so it was a good day in all. We all enjoyed ourselves we are just all exhausted!

Basically we have all vowed to never go to Fry Mesa again but after we were all home and showered and had already surveyed the damage done to ourselves we decided that it was fun... just really painful!

This is me after I finally got down from the falls. I had lost my shoes and am obviously a little dirty and tired.

This is Jordon going down the slide head first...

Square Knot is very excited to be there... Cammo Doo-Rag and all!

Look at how beautiful it was!

This is Preston going down the slide!

It was a good weekend... I need the week to recover from it!
Happy Trails...