Thursday, November 27, 2008

Turkey Day!

It was another successful Thanksgiving at the Smith house this year! We ate and ate and watched movies and played games then ate again. We had so much food that I was rather sure no family in the history of humanity could have finished it off... but we managed. I guess 8 boys around helps with that! My cousins family the Detlors came to visit and it was great to have them! Shannon and Zach also came and I love when they are down to visit. Zach is one of the only people I know who loves games as much as I do! We played a tun of rook and Lord of the Rings Trivia (LOTRT). I had a blast and now I have to return to reality.

On Thanksgiving dad did the 5K Turkey Trot! He did a great job and was proud of his finish and his shirt. The most hilarious part was that he narrowly beat my 18 friend Kim... good job dad! I think it was the outfit that gave him the strength to run as he did...

Dylan and I had a mad craving for chocolate the other day so we went and bought some Lindt Chocolate! This stuff is life changing and I am not kidding.
We are getting in the holiday spirit! We found these AWESOME glasses and had to get them.

Many of your blogs that I read have pictures and videos of your little kids and the funny things they do and say. I love to look at them and I may not have little kids to blog about but there is always my entertaining father. He was in a really interesting mood the other day and was dancing and singing all over the house. This is a little clip for your enjoyment. Believe me... our house is never dull.


Chellor said...

I love how similar our father's mannerisms are! I love it and it creeps my out.

Preston Smith said...

wow... I'll tell you what wow!!

Kenningtons said...

SOOOOO FUNNY!! I miss spending time at your house! You are right...never a dull moment!! Always just fun and laughing going on over at the Smith's! good times!